Dreadlocks, Tattoos, Piercings – Expression or a mistake?

Those of you who know me personally or who have atleast seen a photo of me know that I have short locked hair with a fade at the sides.

For quite a while now, it has been and is still my favorite hairstyle due to its simplicity and easy maintenance. When I first spotted it, I knew I was never turning back, yet now I am between a rock and a hard place on whether to bring it down or not.

Reason being? An individual in an office I visited seeking some help warned me to not go back there with my hair in that state. Reading this, you probably think I visited some “high” office. No, the office I visited was a secretary’s departmental office in school, campus, to be specific. I don’t blame him though. You see, people are so used to following a particular code, that embracing diversity is such a big deal for many of them.

Unlike the old days when blacks used to be highly discriminated by the whites, the modern day discrimination occurs among us black people ourselves; How? People with tattoos, dreadlocks and many piercings are associated with all bad traits including; (sorry to mention) drug abuse, immorality and others. Those with clean-shaven heads, no piercings, are assumed to be the holiest and most ethical humans.

Any employer will favour a guy with no tattoo over a guy with a tattoo or a person with short hair to a person with locked hair. What they don’t understand is that the latter are artistic beings who are only trying to express themselves through their style.

Truth is, we live in a free world. Dreadlocks and tattoos have existed since a long while back and perhaps it is high time we all accepted that. No one has a right to judge the other as long as they are not preventing them from enjoying their personal rights.

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